- ENGLISH: The school will teach the children how to speak in English. But six hours in school are not sufficient for the children to learn to speak in English fluently. So the guardians are requested to insist at home to speak in English. Guardians are requested to create at home an English speaking environment so that the children can pick up the language quicker. Teachers will communicate only in English with the students. Teachers also communicate with other teachers in the school only in English.
- PUNISHMENT: In our school physical punishment and mental torture are completely banned. No teacher should adopt this barbaric method. We apply the civilized method of counseling the students. When necessary we call the guardians over phone to discuss with the teachers and the Principal how to find a remedy to the problem of the students. The guardians must give us the correct contact numbers and come to see the teachers and the Principal to solve the problem of their sons or daughters. The intention to call the guardians is not harassment but a remedial measure for the improvement of the students of our school.
- DISMISSAL: Students whose attendance is irregular, who do not pay their fees, who are habitually late or absent, lazy or disobedient, whose conduct is injurious to the moral tone of the school or incompatible with discipline, may be dismissed.
- CLASS TEACHER'S PERIOD: In the Class Teacher's period (last 15 minutes) the Class Teachers will check and sign the day's entries in the school Diary and give instructions about academic progress and co-curricular activities. The last prayer will be conducted peacefully and in a disciplined manner the students will be released from the classes.
- OUR PROFESSION: Teaching is a noble profession. We revere teachers for their self-less devotion and love for transforming children into good HUMAN BEINGS by instilling in their tender minds moral values, sense of responsibility, love and honesty. The teachers in our school keep their own Mobile Phones locked in the staff room almirah. During the duty hours (from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.) (approximately 220 days a year) in the school all the teachers remain engaged in teaching and in the free periods they check the copies of the students or read books to improve their quality of teaching.
- PROJECTS: All Project Files must be submitted before the due date otherwise the penalty fine of Rs. 100/- per Project/Practical File must be paid. Only those who are willing to submit the Projects late will compulsorily pay the fine of Rs.100/- per Project File. Others who are not willing to submit Projects should not pay any fine. The school wants Projects before the due date, not the penalty fine.
- WATER: The students are asked to bring their own water from home. The school has deep underground pipe line to pull filtered water from the deep under ground level. But as the water layer in Makhla region is not good in quality, the students are advised to bring their own water from home in water bottle. Children should always drink pure drinking water.
- ACCIDENT: In case a child falls sick or meets with any accident in the school premises, he/she can be helped with immediate first aid only. The parents will be informed instantly and are expected to come and attend to their ward immediately. It is important to inform the school in writing, about any change in the phone numbers and residential address of the parents. Accident is a misfortune for which the school cannot be blamed.
- MOBILE PHONES: The school is a Mobile-Free zone. Teachers are not permitted to carry Mobile Phones in the class rooms. Students who will bring Mobile phones to school for emergency purpose must keep the Mobile Phones deposited with the class teachers till the school ends at 4.15 p.m. The teachers will keep their own Mobile Phones locked in the staff room almirah from 10.45 a.m. to 4.45 p.m. Only for emergency purpose teachers can use their Mobile Phones during the Tiffin time. For all emergency purposes the students and teachers can use the school landline Phone Nos. 2663-4888 (High School) 2664-2054 (Middle School).
- REPORTING TIME: Pupils must be present at the school premises fifteen minutes before the school starts. All students must reach the school by 10.40 a.m. School begins with the Assembly at 11 a.m. The Assembly time is from 11 a.m. to 11.15 a.m. and all teachers and students must be present for it on time. All the teachers reach the school by 10.20 a.m. The school gate closes for all at 10.55 a.m. No pupil may leave the school premises during school hours or during the RECESS without the prior permission of the Class Teachers and the Principal.
- PRIVATE TUITION: Private tuition is completely a private affair of the parents. The school will ensure good teaching in the classes so that private tuition is not necessary. In no way the school will allow seeing that private tuition has become a substitute of class room teaching in the school. The school can neither recommend nor discourage anybody to take private tuitions.
- LATE ATTENDANCE: The school gate closes for all at 10.55 a.m. All students must reach the school before the gate closes. The Assembly Time is from 11 a.m. to 11.15 a.m. Those who will come late will be marked in the school Diary. After two warnings in each month if a student comes late in school he/she will have to pay the fine of Rs.10/- for the day.
- OUTSIDE BEHAVIOUR: On their way to and from school, students must behave in a gentle and sober manner. Smoking, chewing pan, chewing gum, betel-nut or tobacco etc. are strictly prohibited. Students are not allowed to bring two wheelers like Motor Bike to school. Motor Bike riding by students below 18 years of age is completely prohibited. No expensive and fancy electronic gadgets (cell phones, watches, toys, digital diaries, calculators, curios etc.) can be brought to school. No books, periodicals, comics, newspaper or printed matter of an objectionable nature, CD, DVD, Pen Drives or any other mass storage device can be brought into the school.
- PARENT'S MEETING: Parents can meet Junior School teachers (Nursery to Class-2) ordinarily on Mondays and Fridays, immediately after the class hours at 2.30 p.m. Guardians are requested not to attempt to interact with the teachers of the Junior Classes on all days except Monday and Friday. The teachers of the Middle and Senior Classes are available for interaction on all working days between 4.15 and 4.45 p.m. Parents are not allowed to see their wards at any time during the school hours.
- OFFICE HOURS: School office opens at 10 a.m. and all monetary transactions continue upto 2 p.m. But any official job can happen in the school office upto 4.30 p.m. Office Phone No. 2663-4888
- VISITING PRINCIPAL: Parents can see the Principal at anytime from 11.15 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Principal sits everyday in the Teachers' Assembly from 4.15 to 4.45 p.m after the school ends. All the teachers remain present and the guardians can also meet the Principal at this time. The teachers and the Principal leave the school after the Final Prayer at 4.45 p.m. in the Teachers' Assembly.Principal's Phone No. 2664-1987 / 98300 93483.
- CLASS PROMOTION: Promotion to the next higher class is decided by the Principal in Meeting with the teachers. Guardians will be given reasonable opportunity of being heard. The decision of the Principal is final and binding on all concerned in the school.
- LIBRARY: Reading is an important means of gaining knowledge. No text book can be sufficient for a student to learn everything on the subject. Students from 6 to 12 need to refer to reference books of their class levels. These reference books are available in the school library. If the students suggest some books, we buy those books for them. To borrow books from the school library, the students need to make a library card of Rs.100/-.
- LABORATORY: Laboratory items and Computers are very expensive. Students must be cautious in handling them. If any damage is caused to computer or any laboratory item, the student concerned must pay the penalty charge
- WALL WRITING: Writing one the wall, making the wall dirty, damaging the school property will invite serious consequences like penalty fine or dismissal from school.
- EXAMINATION: For students who are absent for any Examination, no provision can be made for any supplementary examination or test. A student who will who fail twice in the same class must be withdrawn. There are two terminal examinations in the school - Half yearly exam, and Final Exam in February/March. 50% weightage is to unit tests and class or home assignment. Promotion to the next higher class depends on the whole year's performance. Every year we reshuffle the Sections of the Classes in order to help the children to mix with all the students of the class, thereby not allowing them to form a group and neglecting their studies.
- PRINTED SYLLABUS: The teachers in our school follow the detailed syllabus with lesson planning as given to the students in the Printed Booklets in April. The Principal of the school regularly supervises, being assisted by some teachers, the regular proceedings in all the classes.
- ISC ADMISSION: The I.S.C. (Classes - 11 & 12) is a separate course. Admission to it is entirely at the discretion of the Principal, even for the students who have completed the I.C.S.E. at DREAMLAND SCHOOL. The students whose conduct is not satisfactory upto Class-10 are not given admission in Class-11 (ISC Course).
- PENCIL & PEN: Students will use wooden pencils upto Class-4. and from Class-5 the students will use pen to write.
- HALF PANT & FULL PANT: The boys upto Class-4 will wear half pants. The boys from Class-5 will wear full pants.
- HOUSES: There are four Houses in the school - RED, BLUE, GREEN & YELLOW. The four Houses are named after the four elements of nature - RED ROSE, BLUE SKY, GREEN LEAF & YELLOW SUN. This simple names denote our simplicity and attachment to nature. In the present world the paramount concern and fear is the destruction of our planet called Earth. In order to save our earth all the students of DREAMLAND are given different Houses at the beginning of the session and thereby instilling in them the habit of growing plants and trees.
- CLASS TEACHERS: The Class Teachers of the classes are like the parents of the students in the school. The Principal acts through the class teachers of the school. In any matter like attendance, misbehaviour, negligence, appreciation, sports, function, guardian call, performance in exams etc. the Principal will consult the class teachers. Finally the Principal will pass the final judgement after hearing all. The class teacher gives and maintains the school Diary of every student of the class.
- SPEAKING IN VERNACULAR: Ours is an English Medium school. The language of our teaching any subject is English. Our main objective is to learn everything including speaking in English fluently. In order to achieve this goal we cannot allow anybody to speak in the school premises in the vernacular excepting Bengali/Hindi periods. The students who will be caught speaking in Vernacular will be strictly fined Rs.10/- for each occasion.
- OUT OF CLASS: No students should go out of the class when a period will end. Without the teachers' permission, no student is allowed is allowed to go to toilet without the permission of the teacher. In to go anywhere including the school office. (Penalty Rs.10/-). No student 1st, 4th, 5th & 8th periods no student is allowed to go to toilet. (Penalty Rs.10/-)
- BOOKS COPIES: All students must bring all books and copies as per Time Table in the school. (Penalty Rs.10/-). All books copies must be properly labeled and named. Bringing school Diary to school everyday is compulsory. The penalty of Rs.10/- will be imposed if the Diary is not brought to school.
- SUPW & COMMUNICTY SERVICE: We need to grow responsible citizens of the country. For this all students must be involved in the Socilly Useful Productive Work & Community Service activities and must attend or perticipate in any event that he / she may be involved by the teachers. Any violation will lead to penalty of Rs. 100/- or above. Our school believes that service to mankind is service of God. In order to serve mankind, we organize BLOOD DONATION CAMP, DISTRIBUTION OF CLOTHS TO NEEDY and DISTRIBITION OF WINTER BLANKETS TO THE POOR as part of our community service.
- DONATION OR SUBSCRIPTION: Our School is a social organization with philanthropic outlook without any commercial or business motive. We receive no donation form anyone, nor do we give any donation from our precious student's money. The guardians pay us tuition fees to teach their wards. We utilize the whole amount of money we receive from the guardians for the proper education of the children of the community we serve. No one should ask the school for any monetary help during Puja or other reasons.
- ATTENDANCE: Guardians should note that 75% attendance in the school is a must, failing which no student will be allowed to sit for the final examination either of the SCHOOL or of the COUNCIL. Guardians are requested to see that their wards attend the school regularly and punctually. In case of absence, on the way date of presence again in the school, the student must produce a note in the school Diary duly signed by the parent. Absence in school in order to study at home or private tuition is never allowed in our school. A student suffering from contagious disease shall not be allowed to attend school until the Doctor certifies he/she as fit.Attendance below 60% in the academic year cannot be condoned by the Principal.
- SAFE CUSTODY: Students are responsible for safe custody of their books and belonging. Each article should be marked with Name, Class, Section and Roll Number. The school willl not take any responsibility for lost articles, money or any valuable goods. No pupil shouls bring any valuable goods in the school.
- The school fees cover twelve calendar months, April to March, and may be paid in monthly installments or in advance. No reduction is made for holidays. Students are liable to be charged full fees as long as their names are officially on the rolls. Fees once paid will not be refunded.
- The fees, if paid monthly, must be paid on or before the due date which is 20th of the month, failing which, a late fee of Rs. 5/- will be levied.
- Fee defaulters will not be allowed to attend classes if fees are not cleared during the same month. Fee defaulters will not be allowed to appear in the school examinations.
- Fees for the holiday months must be paid in advance before the school closes. All dues of the school upto March next year must be paid by 15th February.
- Before withdrawing a student from the school, a month's notice is to be given or a month's fee in lieu of notice.
- The Transfer Certificate will be given, if applied, for a fee of Rs. 500/-
- No certificate will be issued until all dues to the school have been paid in full.
- A pupil who has attended a recognized school cannot be admitted without a Transfer Certificate from the school last attended. The original birth certificate for confirming the date of birth has to be presented at the time of new admission. Two pass port size coloured recent photos are necessary at the time of new admission.
- Those who will avail school bus services will have to pay the bus fee based on the distance travelled. Till the written application for stopping bus facility is submitted in the school office, the guardians will have to pay the Bus fee.
- Although the school has Buses, the school is not in any way obliged to all guardians to provide Bus facilities. Only if the space is available in the Bus, the school can provide a student with the bus facility.
- OFFICE HOURS: School office opens at 10 a.m. and all monetary transactions continue upto 2 p.m. But any official job can happen in the school office upto 4.30 p.m. Office Phone No. 2663-4888